* Fixed: Compatibility issue with "WooCommerce Smart Coupons".
* Added: Compatible with Composite Products!
* Added: Display a validation alert when the coupon only gives access to a BOGO promo and does not apply to the products in the cart.
* Fixed: Subtotal calculation includes the "Gifts" amount.
* Fixed: The "Get the cheapest product for free" promotion type includes the product with zero price.
* Added: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.9+.
* Added: New filter "wc_bogof_init_cart_item_discount"
* Fixed: "Product Bundles" compatibility - Discount does not include the "Price individually" bundle items.
* Added: Compatible WooCommerce 6.8+.
* Added: Support for the "Order again" option.
* Fixed: The "Radio" type options of the BOGO promotions are not saved.
* Fixed: Product Bundles compatibility - "Gifts" are not added to the cart after adding a second bundle with different quantities.
* Fixed: PHP warning\error "Unparenthesized is not supported".
* Fixed: AJAX validation of the promotion edit fails when the attributes slug contains symbol chars.
Fixed: Discount is not applied when the "Smart Coupons by by StoreApps" plugin is active.
* Added: Compatible WooCommerce 6.7+.
* Added: "All Products For Subscriptions" compatibility - New condition to apply the promotion to only "one-time purchase."
* Tweak: Add the promotion title to the order item metadata.
Fixed: Bug on WPML integration.
* Added: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.4+.
* Added: Added: Information about the usage count in the promotion edit page.
* Fixed: The usage limit per user does not work correctly when the promotion counts the quantities per product.
* Fixed: CSS issue with some themes on the toggle button.
* Added: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.3+.
* Added: New option to include the custom product attributes in the "Variation attribute" condition.
* Fixed: Check the "Hide out of stock items" option before hiding out of stock items from the "choose your gift.".
* Fixed: Add the "Choose your gift" title option to the WPML config file.
* Fixed: [qty] placeholder of the "Choose your gift notice" option does not work.
* Tweak: Improve how to check if the current page is the cart page to prevent issues with other plugins.
* Added: Included some plugin settings to the system report.
* Fixed: PHP deprecated warning on PHP 7.4.
* Fixed: Display the tutorial of the new features on each update.
* Tweak: Update French translation.
Fixed: PHP Error "Call to undefined function".
* Added: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.2+.
* Added: BOGO rule admin interface improvements.
* Added: Filters for selecting the product included in the promotion and gift products.
* Added: Filter by Product Tag and by Variation attribute.
* Added: Percentage discount for the BOGO offers.
* Added: Duplicate BOGO rule from the list table.
* Added: Add info to the System Status report.
* Tweak: Improve compatibility with WPML and Polylang.
* Fixed: The "cheapest product" rule type does not support the "Count per product" property.
* Deprecated: WC_BOGOF_Rule::get_buy_product_ids | WC_BOGOF_Rule::set_buy_product_ids
* Deprecated: WC_BOGOF_Rule::get_buy_category_ids | WC_BOGOF_Rule::set_buy_category_ids
* Deprecated: WC_BOGOF_Rule::get_exclude_product_ids | WC_BOGOF_Rule::set_exclude_product_ids
* Deprecated: WC_BOGOF_Rule::get_free_product_ids | WC_BOGOF_Rule::set_free_product_ids
* Deprecated: WC_BOGOF_Rule::get_free_category_ids | WC_BOGOF_Rule::set_free_category_ids
* Deprecated: WC_BOGOF_Rule::is_exclude_product
* Deprecated: WC_BOGOF_Rule::get_used_by_count
* Added: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.0+.
* Added: Compatible with WordPress 5.9+.
* Fixed: Rules with lower "buy quantity" have more priority when the "ignore other rules" option is enabled.
Fixed: PHP error on cron executions that launches an Admin AJAX process.
* Fixed: PHP warning if the Buy quantity property is empty and there and items in the cart.