Version: 10.5.0
Tweak: Improvement in saving the PayPal Email ID
Fix: Unable to set the Logo in Payouts Statements Module
New: MLM Commission can be set based on Category Level
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v5.9.2 & WooCommerce v6.3.1
Tweak: Compatible with PHP v8.x
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce v5.6
Fix: "Mark as Paid" option is not working in the "Referrals" Tab when choosing in "Bulk Actions"
Fix: Fatal Error at Wallet Menu[Conflict with PHP v8.x]
New: Option to set the commission based on Coupon Code in "WooCommerce Coupon Linking" Module
New: Option to set a separate email id for admin to receive affiliate related emails
New: Option to set the Referral Status[Unpaid/Pending] for Referral Actions
Tweak: Improvement in displaying the "Referral Code" on Affiliate Dashboard
Tweak: Following improvements made on Affiliate Dashboard for Mobile Devices, - Displaying the Submenu - Displaying the Title in Wallet Menu Table
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v5.8 & WooCommerce v5.5.2
Fix: MLM Commissions are awarding to Direct Affiliates[Conflict with Affiliate Wallet Module]