Fix - Header layout bug which occurred when mobile search toggle option was active.
* New - Related/Upsells/Cross-sells now scroll on small viewports. Can also mobile scroll WC shortcodes with optional "mobile-scroll" class.
* Fix - Elementor Pro editor triggered the sidebar cart.
* UX - Shop/Catalog mobile filters UX - 'Show Filters' button now sticks on scroll.
* UX - Catalog image hover effect now present only on non-touch devices.
* Tweak - Improved mobile styling across all key templates.
* Tweak - Improved sidebar cart styling. On mobile the sidebar cart is now full width.
* Tweak - Lots of RTL improvements.
* Tweak - My account order details styling improvements.
* Tweak - Out of stock label styling on product cards.
* Tweak - Search modal style adjustments.
* Tweak - Product categories widget: absolutely position the count.
* Tweak - Security lock icon added before 'Place order' button on checkout page.
* Tweak - In stock pulsing animation replaced by tick icon. Pulse was jerky on iOS devices due to a lack of support for animated pseudo-elements.
* Tweak - On PDPs if quantity is hidden, make the add to cart button fill the space.
* Tweak - In Firefox double arrows were appearing in the quantity field.
* Tweak - Product type "Mix and Match" excluded from PDP Ajax add to cart.
* Fix - Search suggestions witin search modal no longer cut, and modal is positioned at the top rather than centered.
* Tweak - On original sticky add to cart bar, rel="nofollow" added to CTA.
* New - Empty mini cart widget area. You can now add custom content to this area.
* Improvement - Request a call back modal now includes product data.
* Accessibility - WAVE color contrast adjustments.
* Tweak - Mobile menu review styling.
* Tweak - In stock styling on PDPs.
* Fix - Better WooFunnels compatibility.
* Fix - Dokan z-index dropdown issue.
* Fix - Ensure that checkout custom widget content appears after offical PayPal plugin.
* Fix - Mega dropdown hover glitch when variable products are present in it.
* Tweak - Further RTL styling improvements.
* Tweak - CSS fix if Elementor is active on the Cart page.
* Tweak - Improved styling when using the WooCommerce Composite Products plugin.
* Fix - Accordion shortcode now works if Elementor is used on PDPs.
* Fix - PDP layout issue when bundle products are displayed.
* Fix - Sticky add to cart PDP bar HTML validation issue.
* Fix - Breadcrumbs width when Elementor Pro full width template active.
* Fix - Content width now applies to Logo/Navigation/Cart header layout.
* Tweak - RTL styling improvements.
* Tweak - Top bar padding on mobile adjustment.
Minimum PHP requirement bumped to 7.3.33 (latest secure version of PHP 7.3)
Fix for shoptimizer-metaboxes.php error.