* Fixed: Student dashboard overall exam result.
* Fixed: Examination subject code issue (subject code change).
* Fixed: Student dashboard exam result total marks not showing
* Updated: Inquiry Email validation updated (one inquiry with one email address).
* Added: Google play store app url option.
* Added: Front-end inquiry form redirect option added to settings.
* Added: Bulk Print results
* Updated: registration form settings.
* Fixed : Survey notice was showing in school setting sometimes.
* Fixed : QR Code was not displaying on admit card properly.
* Fixed : QR Code was not displaying on exam result card properly.
* Fixed : Exam result teacher and school remark notice fixed.
* Updated: father and mother name is changed to possessive form.
* Updated: Gmail email Setup information.
* Fixed : Exam results Psychomotor save issue.
* Fixed : Student attendance issue (holidays was counting in absents).
* Fixed : Student attendance issue fixed in student dashboard.
* Fixed : Staff attendance issue (holidays was counting in absents).
* Changed: Roll number is now section wise.
* Fixed : Noticeboard issue.
* Fixed : Bulk print admit card in examination fixed.
* Fixed : Exam result update, school and teacher remark issue fixed.
* Fixed : School management Link fixed in Activation page.
* Added : In Payment history date filter added with total amount of between dates.
* Added : Registration survey field added.
* Added : QR code added to certificate.
* Added : QR code added to exam result.
* Updated: expense total according to date range.
* Added : invoice payment history added
* Fixed : Expenses not showing for old invoices
* Fixed : exam results admission number and fathers name issue fixed
* Added : payment history receiver name.
* Fixed : expense list issue.
* Updated: Now you can create 0 amount and 100 Discount invoice.
* fixed : notice class issue has been fixed.
* Added : Expense Daily total card added.
Removed: nexmo sms api removed due to vulnerability issue.
Updated: textlocal sms api
* Updated: expenses will show according to sessions.
* Fixed : fee structure issue fixed on student dashboard
* Added : bulk invoice payment option added.
* Fixed : Extra fee was not adding when registering student.
* Updated: student status can be seen in students table.
* Added : bdbulksms api.
* Fixed : invoice students issue when section is selected.
* Fixed : amount will be comma separated if value is greater then 3 number.
* Added : due amount added to payments history.
* Added: staff users can register from the front-end.
* Fixed: homework issue.
* Added: father's in exam results
* Added: Daily Total amount received in account dashboard
* Added: Daily payments history table.
* Added: students table student type shorting.
* Added: income date filter.
* Added: expenses date filter.
* Added: invoices date filter.
* Added: Manage exam group section added now group can be selected through drop down.
* Fixed: student dashboard leave translation for "Leave for Multiple Days" and 'Leave for Single Day'.
* Fixed: payment history export invoice title issue.
* Fixed: attachment class not found issue.
* Fixed: homework submission issue on student dashboard.
* Added: income and expense file attachment option.
* Fixed: template id added in notification.
* removed: invoice attachment due to file size limit.
* Added: now you can also assign holidays when taking student attendance.
* Added: section issue has been fixed for wordpress.com host users.
* Added: invoice issue where when you have invoice copy enabled it was showing the doubled amount.
* Fixed: inquiries data not been save after update.
* Fixed: invoice currency symbol issue fixed.
* Added: Bulk import books.
* Added: Bulk import Staff.
* Fixed: Sections occur when updating plugin issue from old plugin version .
* Added : Noticeboard now you can select multiple students.
* Added : students absent placeholder fixed.