Fixed JetPack reCaptcha throw error after successfully sent email. Attempt to read property nodeValue on null
* Improvements on Jetpack Forms Captcha
Fixed add payment method captcha not working for some themes
Improvements on security for nonce checking
Fixed review captcha not working on some clients
Fixed critical error occured for some of clients
* Tested with WordPress 6.0
* Tested with WooCommerce 6.5
Fixes for reCaptcha not working with Wordfence Security 2FA - wp login
Fixes for reCaptcha v3 multiple instance not working on checkout in some themes
Fixed Google Pay issue in some themes
Fixed Google Pay issue in some themes
* Fixes for order tracking causing problem for contact form 7 reCaptcha.
* Fixes for order tracking captcha turn off ignored.
Fixes for WooCommerce signup/login captcha did not work for some themes to due to custom forms.
* Added support for buddy press signup. See reCaptcha for WooCommerce Signup Settings.
* Fixes settings mismatch for Signup with WP signup method
* Tested with WordPress 5.9
* WooCommerce 6.0 compatibility fixes.
* Tested with WooCommerce 6.0
reCaptcha V3 fixes:- Add payment method asking for captcha even it is disabled to use captcha.
* Fixed pay for an order captcha not showing when not enabled for login/guest captcha.
* Separated captcha option for cart request button captcha and product page request button captcha
* Fixed PHP Warning: Undefined variable $i13_recapcha_v2_lang
* Added new option to enable reCaptcha for WooCommerce order tracking.
* Fixed conflict with plugin Memberium Plugin.
* Delay execution action so that captcha will be last field in WooCommerce registration/login forms.
* Fixed for - When there is multiple forms of registration and login on same page it create problems.
* Fixed for - When the registration/login forms are in ajax modal popup it wont work. - Added option in signup/login settings for enable ajax signup/login modal box
* Tested with WordPress 5.8
* Added filter for reCaptcha v2 to change language if needed programmatically. To change hl paramter of recaptcha anyone can use this filter - i13_recapchav2_set_lang