Version: 4.7.7 NULLED
- Improvement: Removed some unnecessary link from account page.
- Fix: Cannot assign tasks from overview dashboard.
- Fix: Duplicate activity emails and slack notifications are sent.
- Fix: Fatal error when activated wordpress beta tester plugin.
- Fix: Resolved tasks are shown even when status filter is unset on overview page.
- Improvement: Select status option UI changes.
- Fix: Comment position issue due to incorrect CSS classes.
- Fix: Resolved comment status not updating on the overview page.
- Fix: Resolved comment link from email is not redirecting to its related thread.
- **Improvement** Compatibility with PHP v8.0
- **Improvement** Improved auto save website notice UI.
- **Improvement** Improved login form UI.
- **Fix** Fixed Auto Draft title issue while adding new website.
- **Fix** Mockup close option does not work correctly.
- **Fix** Mockup title having special symbol showing the symbol code.
- **Fix** New empty mockup showing "Approved" status.