- New: We created a new Media report available right inside WordPress Admin dashboard to view video plays and engagement
- New: We added file download support for Pretty Links
- Enhancement: We enhanced some UI elements within the plugin
- Fix: We updated User Journey to work with older versions of Easy Digital Downloads
- New: You can now show an MonsterInsights badge on your website!
- Enhancement: We updated and tweaked many UI elements to better help with onboarding and plugin usage.
- Enhancement: We now include our dashboard fonts locally.
- Fix: We updated support for PHP 8 with our headline analyzer tool.
Fix: We fixed the Javascript error reported by lite users.
- Fix: We fixed the logged-in sessions data in our dimensions report.
- Fix: We fixed the test mode detection PayPal Express Payment method when Smart Button is used.
- Enhancement: We optimized our plugin's backend javascript.
- Enhancement: We optimized the membership levels tracking for Restrict Content Pro integration.
- Enhancement: We optimized the integration with EDD latest versions.
- Enhancement: We updated the User Journey display
- Enhancement: We optimized the plugin activation process, popular posts, userID tracking, and onboarding
- Fix: We optimized the user ID custom dimension for GAv4
- Fix: We optimized the affiliate events for GAv4
- Fix: We optimized the Easy Digital Downloads purchase events for GAv4
- New: We launched a new User Journey addon to easily see which pages and for how long each customer visited before making a purchase from your WooCommerce store.
- Enhancement: We enhanced Page Insights to show stats right in the WordPress sidebar while editing public post types.
- Enhancement: We enhanced our Headline Analyzer tool.
- Fixed: We fixed the URL query string parameters in reports.
- Fixed: We fixed anchor tag targets to enhance user experience.
- Fixed: We restricted excluding page tracking only for public post_types.
- Fixed: We fixed console errors reported by a few customers on the admin homepage.
- Tweak: We enhanced and optimized the backend styles.
- Fixed: We fixed a few PHP warnings when no add-ons are installed.
- Fixed: We optimized the filters to add dynamic attributes in all frontend script tags.
- Fixed: We fixed the plugin requirements for Forms Addons version 2.2.1+
- Fixed: We optimized the popular posts widgets display in edit screens
- Fixed: We fixed console errors for users who have CookieYes enabled
- Fixed: We fixed custom dimensions for all single post types.
Fixed: Resolved a PHP Notice message some users received after upgrading to 8.3.3
- Fixed: We fixed the fatal error that occurred due to a generic class name conflict.
- Fixed: Fixed errors some users were having with our Exclude from Tracking feature.
- Tweak: The GA Compatibility layer feature has had it's output cleaned up.
- Bugfix: Updated events when dual-tracking mode is enabled to not alter bounce rate on GAv3 properties.
- New In Pro: Email summaries that show traffic results over the last 7 days
- New In Pro: We've added official integrations with the Complianz and CookieYes plugins.
- Tweak: We've updated some of the GAv4 report labels to be more accurate.
- New in Pro: We've added Google Ads conversion tracking for WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, and MemberPress.
- New in Pro: We've added a new integration with EasyAffiliates for users using WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, and MemberPress.
- Tweak: We updated the way we load the main tracking script to improve page load performance.
- Tweak: We tweaked how most of the objects stored in the database are loaded and improved the overall sizes for better performance in the WordPress administration area.
- Tweak: We optimized our plugin’s assets to reduce the plugin size and improve loading times in the admin area.
- Tweak: We extended our compatibility shim to support virtual pageview events added using legacy code.
- Fix: We updated the image size used by our Popular Posts widgets for improved performance and compatibility.