- Added: Ability to cancel a certain occurrence using the “Edit Per Occurrence” feature.
- Added: Opening hour field to the location system.
- Added: Attendee name and ticket back to the form step of booking module.
- Added: Display ongoing option to some skins.
- Added: Ability to upload images using WordPress media library in gallery module when the user has appropriate access.
- Improved: Billing information of stripe payment gateway.
- Improved: The title of archive pages.
- Improved: Edit Per Occurrence feature.
- Improved: The HTML structure of minimal style of list skin.
- Fixed: Issue in booking module of ongoing events.
- Fixed: Issue in gallery module when loaded in modal window.
- Fixed: Issue in advanced repeating events.
- Fixed: Issue in displaying details page of ongoing events.
- Fixed: Issue in displaying events in category pages.
- Fixed: Issue in field data mapping after booking.
- Fixed: Some issue in WC payment gateway.
- Fixed: Some issues regarding PHP8.
- Fixed: Some issues in countdown skin.
- Fixed: Issue in displaying filter options in shortcodes.
- Fixed: Issue in importing events using .ics format.
- Fixed: Filtering issue when filtering by month and year dropdown.
- Fixed: Many PHP 8 issues.
- Fixed: Issue in refund process.
- Improved: The date display when single widget is enabled
- Fixed: Daylight saving time
- Fixed: Issue in agreement field of Frontend Event Submission
- Fixed: Issue in general calendar regarding the All-day events
- Fixed: Issue in general calendar when event end time is hidden
- Fixed: Issue in general calendar when the whole event time is hidden
- Fixed: Conflict with other plugins
- Added: Option to change details style per event.
- Added: Ability to translate expired and ongoing words from messages panel.
- Added: Shortcode element to avada builder.
- Added: Feature to exclude categories, locations, and organizers from shortcode builder.
- Improved: The Google calendar export.
- Fixed: Issue when links are disabled in simple style of monthly skin.
- Fixed: Issue in displaying dates regarding day light saving.
- Fixed: Issue in cronjob commands.
- Fixed: Issue in cost field of Frontend Event Submission.
- Fixed: Issue in date format of Google map light boxes.
- Added: Visual Crossing provider to the weather module.
- Added: Option to the iCal feed to display only upcoming events.
- Improved: The default configuration of search bar.
- Removed: Dark Sky provider from the weather module.
- Fixed: Issue in coupons menu.
- Fixed: Issue regarding speaker name in Frontend Event Submission.
- Fixed: Some issues in Frontend Event Submission.
- Added: Ability to change ticket prices per occurrence.
- Added: New CSV export option compatible with Google Calendar.
- Added: Ability to assign custom layouts to the events created by Frontend Event Submission.
- Added: Ability to display disclaimer messages for the events created by Frontend Event Submission.
- Improved: The related events module.
- Improved: The custom user recipients in large scale websites.
- Improved: Creating booking on the backend.
- Improved: Editing bookings on the backend
- Fixed: Issue in “Frontend Event Submission” regarding dates.
- Fixed: Some issues in the sponsors module.
- Fixed: Issue in displaying content images in the modal window.
- Fixed: Issue in MEC Cart regarding validating the cart before checkout.
- Fixed: Issue in rich text schema regarding the price.
- Fixed: Some issues in MEC dynamic messages.
- Improved: The event wizard editor.
- Fixed: Issue in tile view.
- Fixed: Some issues in multilingual websites created by polylang.
- Fixed: Issue in showing pro skins including yearly skin in archive skins.
- Fixed: Issue in displaying event fields in monthly skin.
- Fixed: Some issues in calendar date selection method of booking module.
- Fixed: Date picker issue in event wizard
- Fixed: Some issues iCal feed
- Added: New feature to course enrollment of LearnDash integration.
- Compatibility: Ultimate addons for Elementor
- Improved: The sale stop feature and its message.
- Fixed: Issue regarding date dropdown field.
- Fixed: Some issues regarding radio buttons field of booking form.
- Fixed: Issue in start time and end time of events.
- Fixed: Month select in year dropdown (Shortcode Filters)
- Added: Option to make the featured image mandatory in “Frontend Event Submission”.
- Improved: The speaker selection module.
- Fixed: Descending order in masonry shortcode.
- Fixed: Showing cancellation reason on repeated events.
- Fixed: Issue in full calendar skin.
- Fixed: Number spinner of ticket selection in booking module.
- Fixed: Setting event times. (midnight hours)
- Fixed: Using coupon codes on multiple bookings in WooCommerce as Payment System.
- Fixed: Hide image box if event doesn't have featured image in list view simple type
- Added: Maximum booking option for tickets.
- Added: Date display in booking module when loaded in shortcode and only 1 date is available to book.
- Fixed: Issue in iCal feed regarding custom day events.
- Fixed: Midnight hour in save event
- Added: A ticket style option (pro)
- Added: Booking progress bar (pro)
- Added: Total selected tickets display to booking module (pro)
- Added: An ability to import event authors from one of third party plugins
- Added: An ability to provide update access to the events owners even if they don’t have proper WordPress capability
- Added: An ability for editor and admin users to manage events from frontend dashboard
- Added: An option to make the featured image mandatory in “Frontend Event Submission”
- Added: An ability to change the label of organizer website URL
- Added: Ability to add sponsors to events and display them on single event page
- Added: Some new placeholders to display date and time of event in user local time in email notifications (pro)
- Added: “Display all events in right section” option for monthly skin of full calendar
- Added: A feature to change the booking button label per event (pro)
- Added: A feature for events to inherit color from the category if no event color is specified
- Added: A total ticket limit to force users to book at-least a certain count of tickets (pro)
- Added: Booking and attendee fields to the PDF invoices (pro)
- Added: Event category in breadcrumbs
- Improved: The booing module to be disabled when event is canceled
- Improved: The integration with “Newsletter plugin”
- Improved: The sponsors feature
- Improved: The import process of third party plugins
- Improved: The booking progress bar (pro)
- Updated: The tooltip library to fix some conflicts with other third party theme and plugins
- Disabled: The remove function for MEC email and MEC name in booking form
- Fixed: Carousel skin
- Fixed: Auto email feature (pro)
- Fixed: Importing and exporting all day events
- Fixed: Importing events with repeat count from Google calendar
- Fixed: In adding/removing fees per payment gateway (pro)
- Fixed: On structured data
- Fixed: An compatibility issue with Weglot plugin
- Fixed: On scrolling when loading the event details page on modal
- Fixed: On new event notification
- Fixed: Some PHP notices
Fixed: Security issue
- Improved: Display attendees form on the event manage page (pro)
- Fixed: Some issues in EXDATE option of iCal feeds
- Fixed: Sending auto-emails (pro)
- Fixed: Search issue when there are multiple shortcakes in one page
- Fixed: Email placeholders
- Fixed: Full calendar skin when the search form is disabled
- Fixed: The backend booking menu when fees are disabled for pay locally gateway (pro)
- Fixed: An issue on disabling ticket times (pro)
- Fixed: Some issues in the attachment field of the booking form and file upload and store process (pro)
- Compatibility: WordPress v6.0
- Added: A new currency to the list of available currencies
- Improved: The iCal feed by adding sequence parameters to the feed
- Fixed: An issue in the monthly view
- Fixed: An issue in the dropdown of timezones in “Frontend Event Submission”
- Fixed: Some issues on displaying expired events in the manage event menu in WordPress backend
- Fixed: A time display issue in different skins when the time format is not a PHP standard format
- Fixed: An issue in sold-out notification
- Fixed: An issue in descending order
- Improved: Ability to translate datepicker in the General Calendar skin
- Improved: The iCal code
- Fixed: An issue in Google schema
- Fixed: Some conflicts with other plugins
- Fixed: Some HTML code issues
- Fixed: An issue in the social widget
- Fixed: Some issues with the w3c standard
- Fixed: The content of third party plugin on single event pages
- Fixed: Some PHP notices
- Added: An option to prevent sending new event notifications after creating an event with super admin email
- Added: The download link on the checkout page will be open in a new tab (_blank) (pro)
- Added: Event filter based on start time (main time) in admin area
- Added: An option to control the inclusion of script.js (pro)
- Added: Thank you page feature for MEC Cart (pro)
- Added: An ability to add custom characters into the single date format
- Added: An option to control the decimal number of prices (pro)
- Added: A notice message to admin when the single sidebar is empty
- Added: Loading for MEC Checkout (pro)
- Improved: The social share buttons
- Improved: Changing the iCal export to optimize and fix some bugs
- Improved: Flip countdown display in mobile devices
- Changed: Select image input design in wizard mode
- Fixed: The issue with removal of fees in MEC Cart payment gateway
- Fixed: Date translation issue in general calendar
- Fixed: Notice error translation issue
- Fixed: Telegram icon style
- Fixed: Notification sending error while using WooCommerce payment gateway (pro)
- Fixed: Not overwriting the Booking Success Message from settings in MEC Cart (pro)
- Fixed: Not disabling automatic confirm for payment gateways in MEC Cart (pro)
- Fixed: Bookings filter by repetition select box display issue (pro)
- Fixed: New Event notification
- Fixed: An issue in PayPal classic gateway (pro)
- Fixed: reCAPTCHA feature of Frontend Event Submission
- Fixed: An issue in Stripe gateway (pro)
- Fixed: Custom day repeating events
- Fixed: XML Export / Import
- Fixed: An issue in lazy loading
- Fixed: An issue with HTML markups
- Fixed: Some issues in MEC Cart (pro)
- Fixed: Some other issues
- Improved: the performance and security
- Improved: the WhatsApp share
- Fixed: a very rare issue on the booking module (pro)
- Fixed: some issues on event structured data (schema)
- Fixed: an issue on showing expired events on the event manager of the backend
- Fixed: HTML markup issue on some skins
- Fixed: some PHP notices and warnings
- Fixed: some apostrophe issues
- Fixed: An issue on event bulk edit and saving locations, organizers
- Fixed: A security issue
- Fixed: HTML support of gateway comment
- Fixed: An issue on block themes
- Fixed: An issue on notification placeholders
- Fixed: An issue on calculating end date of some certain events in rare cases
- Escaped: Many parameters to improve the security
- Improved: The security and output escapes
- Fixed: An issue in displaying event tags on the block editor
- Fixed: An issue on the public file module
- Fixed: Some issues regarding event filters
- Fixed: An issue with displaying end dates for multiple-day events
- Fixed: An issue with displaying the cost of events
- Fixed: A multilingual issue
- Fixed: An issue on shortcode filter options
- Fixed: The remove button for the inner form builder
- Fixed: An issue on the single event date method option
- Fixed: An issue on the hide event option
- Fixed: Some minor issues
- Fixed: An issue on PayPal Standard Gateway (pro)
- Fixed: An issue in “Related Events” module when a link is set for an event
- Fixed: Some issues in notification placeholders
- Fixed: An issue in manual import from Google Calendar
- Fixed: Some PHP issues and warnings
- Fixed: An issue on displaying cancellation reason (pro)
- Removed: PHP curl and used WordPress remote API instead
- Escaped and Sanitized: Many parts of the project to improve security and performance
Fixed: Ticket Lable
- Improved: The XML export
- Improved: The skin load in full calendar shortcode
- Improved: The Stripe gateway by adding some booking fields into the meta fields (pro)
- Improved: The search functionality on shortcodes
- Improved: The XML import to store event fields too
- Improved: Some options on the lite version
- Improved: The speaker feature in “Frontend Event Submission”
- Fixed: An issue on event and booking filter in WP backend (pro)
- Fixed: An issue on the next event module
- Fixed: Some issues in “Frontend Event Submission”
- Fixed: An issue in year and month selection on month navigation
- Fixed: A potential memory issue
- Fixed: An issue on independent tags
- Improved: The MEC backend
- Improved: Queries on all skins
- Improved: The single event page
- Improved: The ability to change verification and confirmation status per event (pro)
- Improved: The organizer search on monthly skin
- Improved: The MEC single widget to respect the order of widgets
- Improved: The multilingual and translations ready by adding some more fields to the WPML config file
- Improved: An accessibility in frontend and backend with an option
- Added: Catalan translation (Thanks to Joan Mateus Gorgues) (pro)
- Fixed: An XSS issue
- Fixed: Calculating dates of yearly events (pro)
- Fixed: Timetable skin regarding start date
- Fixed: Resetting the search form in special cases
- Fixed: Some PHP issues and warnings
- Fixed: Displaying additional locations and organizers in multilingual websites
- Fixed: A conflict with Divi theme
- Fixed: An issue on the reports menu regarding all-day events
- Added: PayPal Standard gateway (pro)
- Improved: The event countdown to be compatible with the event timezone
- Improved: The sorting method of events
- Fixed: Some PHP warnings and notices
- Fixed: An issue in the general calendar
- Fixed: An issue in the iCal import
- Fixed: An issue regarding exporting custom day events in the iCal feed
- Compatibility: WordPress v5.9
- Added: A new feature to update booking dates when date of a normal event get’s updated (pro)
- Improved: PayPal Express Checkout (pro)
- Improved: The memory usage of one function
- Fixed: An issue in “WC as Payment System” feature (pro)
- Fixed: Local time module of accordion style of list view
- Fixed: Currency position
- Fixed: Description module of single builder
- Fixed: Some styling issues in add event and shortcode wizard
- Fixed: Some PHP notices and warnings
- Added: An options for column count for tablet and mobile in carousel skin
- Added: Display repeat method when “Show only one occurrence of events” option is enabled in the shortcode
- Added: An ability to insert/change coupon codes while editing bookings in the backend (pro)
- Added: A sold-out style for the “calendar date selection” method in the booking module (pro)
- Improved: The MEC checkout to preview free bookings (pro)
- Improved: The MEC settings to be able to insert booking and single date options per language for multi-lingual websites
- Fixed: An issue in AWeber integration (pro)
- Fixed: An issue in daily skin
- Fixed: An issue in ical feed regarding advanced events
Fixed: Add New plugin page
- Added: A new option to display event price based on lowest ticket price (pro)
- Added: An invoice feature for MEC cart (pro)
- Added: A new feature to sort the events in descending order
- Added: A new integration option with PaidMembership Pro plugin to let users with certain subscriptions to access booking module of events based on event category (pro)
- Added: An option to enable / disable countdown method in “Frontend Event Submission”
- Improved: The security of MEC
- Improved: The auto booking confirmation process (pro)
- Fixed: Time of custom day events
- Fixed: Stop selling option for selling tickets (pro)
- Fixed: Schema contents
- Fixed: An issue in multilingual websites
- Fixed: An issue in some notification placeholders
- Fixed: Duplicating events
- Fixed: An issue in setting event times in special cases
- Fixed: Some PHP issues
- Fixed: A PHP warning
- Added: MEC Cart System (pro)
- Added: General Calendar view skin
- Added: An ability to insert multiple attendees with different tickets in the “Add Booking” menu of MEC backend (pro)
- Added: An option to copy shortcode with one click
- Improved: The iCal feed
- Improved: The speed of MEC in the backend
- Improved: The booking process when calendar type is selected to display dates and times (pro)
- Improved: The Facebook importer to import special events (pro)
- Fixed: Showing event custom data
- Fixed: Showing event dates in the “Add Booking” menu in the backend (pro)
- Fixed: Booking fee calculation (pro)
- Fixed: An issue in countdown view
- Fixed: Sending booking reminders (pro)
- Fixed: An issue in checking user limits for booking (pro)
- Fixed: Sending sold out notifications (pro)
- Fixed: Some issues in payment gateways (pro)
- Fixed: Displaying time of custom day events
- Added: “Amount Per Date” option for fees (pro)
- Improved: The speed of MEC page in some sections
- Improved: MEC security
- Fixed: Some issues in fee calculation (pro)
- Fixed: Some issues in google map assets inclusion (pro)
- Fixed: An issue regarding block editor compatibility
- Fixed: The %%ticket_time%% placeholder (pro)
- Fixed: Displaying event status in email notifications (pro)
- Fixed: Sending verification email when event is added from backend with verified status (pro)
- Fixed: Saving new organizer added from “Frontend Event Submission”
- Fixed: The issue of opening unwanted links in modal in list skin when modal popup is enabled
- Fixed: The end date of custom days events
- Fixed: Some PHP notices
- Added: A new option to create coupon codes based on the count of booked dates (pro)
- Added: A feature to set and show caption of featured images
- Added: A new feature to skip the first step of booking when possible (pro)
- Added: Agreement checkbox to “Frontend Event Submission”
- Added: A new option to set sticky sidebar
- Improved: MEC Profile shortcode
- Improved: The hourly schedule module
- Improved: The event description on Google calendar export to keep the links
- Fixed: An issue in Schema
- Fixed: An issue regarding the register button (pro)
- Fixed: An issue about the end date of custom repeat events
- Fixed: Custom fields cut off when the event has a label
- Fixed: Some issues in the countdown module
- Fixed: An issue in all-day events
- Improved: Next/Previous events module
- Improved: All MEC cron jobs (pro)
- Improved: The query speed in some sections
- Fixed: An issue in the event link when a special time format was used
- Fixed: An issue in the fee calculation (pro)
- Fixed: Booking reminder cronjob (pro)
- Fixed: Exporting advanced repeat events (pro)
- Fixed: Some issues in event links
- Fixed: Some encoding and format issues in iCal exports
- Fixed: Carousel skin regarding popup
- Fixed: PayPal Express gateway in some devices (pro)
- Fixed: Some PHP notices
- Added: The ability to book multiple dates in one booking (pro)
- Added: Some new fields for events' Microsoft Excel export (pro)
- Added: An ability to remove the counter number for additional locations on the event details page
- Improved: Stripe payment gateway (pro)
- Improved: The iCal feed
- Improved: The coupon creation/edit form (pro)
- Improved: Accessibility in front-end
- Fixed: The booking shortcode and WooCommerce payment system (pro)
- Fixed: An issue regarding some AJAX responses
- Fixed: An issue regarding compatibility with some translation plugins
- Fixed: An issue regarding importing ICS files with different timezones
- Fixed: Booking shortcode in special cases (pro)
- Fixed: The “Next Event” module regarding showing the current occurrence instead of the next one
- Fixed: Date formatting
- Fixed: Custom fields tooltip on the standard list view
- Fixed: Location address on the carousel view
- Fixed: Invalidation of price field (pro)
- Fixed: Using specific classes for masonry view
- Fixed: An issue in Lite version regarding adding multiple occurrences in one day using the “Custom Days” option
- Fixed: Some issues in multilingual websites
- Fixed: A search issue in the list and grid skins with the map on top
- Fixed: An issue regarding ticket variations (pro)
- Fixed: An issue in the event feed regarding displaying multiple images
- Fixed: Some conflicts with some themes
- Fixed: A character issue on the event link
- Fixed: Some minor issues
- Added: Ability to reconnect to a new account in Stripe connect (pro)
- Added: An option to translate messages and notifications in MEC Settings on multilingual websites
- Added: An option to disable MEC email template
- Changed: Checkbox name under Category field in the Search Form to Multiselect
- Fixed: An issue in importing time in XML import
- Fixed: An issue in iDeal payment (pro)
- Fixed: Some errors in the iCal feed
- Fixed: Some issues in PHP 8
- Fixed: Ticket names of multilingual events (pro)
- Fixed: Some issues regarding event time
- Fixed: An issue in removing ticket variations (pro)
- Fixed: Sending booking reminders for drafted events (pro)
- Fixed: Location and organizer of multilingual events
- Fixed: Counting remained tickets in special cases (pro)
- Fixed: Filter options of shortcodes
- Fixed: Carousel view arrows
- Fixed: Position of the day on countdown view
- Fixed: Disabled Roboto font with an option
- Fixed: Some issue in checkboxes in the block editor environment
- Fixed: A security issue
- Added: A new feature to schedule emails and send them automatically before or after events (pro)
- Added: Ability to rename booking (pro)
- Added: An ability to disable ticket times (pro)
- Added: Category option for coupons (pro)
- Fixed: Displaying event times
- Fixed: Daylight saving and import/export
- Fixed: Hiding event time
- Fixed: Booking price calculation in special cases (pro)