Version: 5.0.3
NEW: New demos
NEW: Animated Blob Widget
NEW: Added Draw Shape Widget
NEW: Added Lottie Widget
NEW: Added Progress Circle Widget
NEW: Liquid Text Widget - New rotator styles
NEW: Page top scroll indicator
NEW: Custom CSS for all widgets
NEW: Section/container sticky header border option
NEW: Google maps widget - elementor template support
NEW: Post modified date option
ENHANCEMENT: Added masonry layout option (wpbakery)
ENHANCEMENT: Marquee Widget (wpbakery)
ENHANCEMENT: Added HTML tag option for portfolio and iconbox widgets (wpbakery)
ENHANCEMENT: Image text slider widget
ENHANCEMENT: Added force header template option
ENHANCEMENT: Custom cursor
ENHANCEMENT: Custom cursor / removed offcanvas cart backdrop
ENHANCEMENT: Added negative localscroll offset
ENHANCEMENT: Fancy heading hover color option
ENHANCEMENT: Custom menu sticky
ENHANCEMENT: Reduce Liquid Text widget dom
ENHANCEMENT: Button widget dynamic tag
ENHANCEMENT: Accordion Widget FAQ schema
FIXED: Liquid Box broken (wpbakery)
FIXED: Custom cursor - custom icon
FIXED: Product single ajax add to cart
FIXED: Animated frames gsap warns
FIXED: qTags error
FIXED: Single product dublicated images on mobile
FIXED: Image comparison not working in carousels
FIXED: Section scroll js error
FIXED: WooCommerce single product meta translation issue
FIXED: Blog Widget - Style15
FIXED: Portfolio Archive Style05 broken template
FIXED: Megamenu hover issue
FIXED: Megamenu react not working
FIXED: Iconbox link in new tab bug
FIXED: Header logo custom url
FIXED: Portfolio list video lightbox issue
FIXED: WooCommerce List Widget order by popularity not showing
FIXED: Hotspot items position issue
ENHANCEMENT: Increased typewriter default speed
ENHANCEMENT: Slider Revolution new version
ENHANCEMENT: Carousel Stack widget updates
FIXED: Stickybar logo alignment
FIXED: Custom cursor text not visible some times
FIXED: Pageblocks issues
FIXED: Back to top border-radius issue on safari
FIXED: Hub Collection button disappear
FIXED: Responsive bg not working with lazyload