* Fix: Minimalistic menu bug with submenu gap on iOS.
* Fix: Bug with Expanding sidebar right side on MacOS/iOS in Chrome browser.
* Fix: Show desktop version of $gm_main_menu_actions_button_first & $gm_main_menu_actions_button_last even if there are no action buttons.
* Fix: Fixed fadeout animation for close dropdown event that before missed in 2.x version.
* Fix: Fixed bug when background for dropdowns couldn't be set under "Appearance > Menus > Groovy menu item options > Background image for next level dropdown".
* Fix: Fixed a look of popup of featured image beside dropdowns.
* Fix: Broken view of menu in preset preview has been fixed.
HotFix: Additional menu Dropdown appearance style.
* Add: Option for additional menu that allow to show submenu on click or hover.
* Add: Added option to set own font for additional menu.
* Add: Added compatibility with Bricks page builder.
* Fix: Error Message deprecated $render_slug on PHP 8+
* Improve: The plugin has been highly optimized, the size of the main frontend.js file has been reduced by more than 3 times.
* Fix: Fixed display of mobile hamburger in some cases.
* Add: Added the ability to display the "X" icon for closing the menu for the mobile version, without using the "Animated Hamburger menu" setting.
* Add: New feature for displaying the close icon "X" of the menu for the desktop version of Minimalistic style.
* Add: New setting for vertical positioning of menu items in the desktop Minimalistic style "Menu list alignment".
* Add: New setting for mobile positioning of menu items in the horizontal plane "Menu items horizontal Align".
* Fix: Now in the desktop the Minimalistic style submenu matches the width of the setting in "General > Submenu > Submenu width".
* Fix: Fixed logic for choosing one active menu integration under the integrations section.
* Fix: Determinated and fixed a bug with incorect working of background image on iOS devices with active option "background-size: cover".
* Fix: Fixed bug with some sub-menu opening on iPad.
Fix: Fixed a bug that prevented Visual Composer can't load the front-end CSS & JS for menu_block.
* Add: Added new options for submenu opening as "On click" that allow opening submenus only at click on the caret.
* Add: New options for "Shadow settings" for choice shadow styles and colors.
* Add: Added a feature to import and update existing presets.
* Fix: "Menu shadow" and "Submenu shadow" settings now also work for vertical menu types.
* Fix: Fixed a bug that appeared when submenus of the second and next levels with custom width and Menu Block are off screen.
* Fix: Bug when the vertical submenu of the third level was higher than other submenus.
* Fix: Fixed a bug that prevented Visual Composer from loading the front-end builder for menu_block.
* Add: For Actions in the Custom Code section, a new feature "visibility" has been added, which sets the rule for displaying "custom" on mobile, desktop or both versions.
* Add: Now it is possible to separately specify the color of Hover and Active menu items.
* Add: Added "Fixed" option for Badges position.
* Fix: Bug with two "X" icons in mobile when Fullwidth with "Animated hamburger" together with enabled "Allow Float" toggle.
* Add: New option "Styles> Colors> Top level hover and active link background" for Sidebar & Expanded sidebar menu types.
* Add: New option for menu items in Appearance> Menus> Groovy menu item options. "Prevent dropdown auto close on "mouse leave" event". Useful if menu item has a contact form widget in the dropdown.
* Add: New option "Hide menu item and its content on mobile", which can be set in Appearance> Menus> Groovy menu item options
* Add: A button on the Welcome page "Update license data" that will help you update your license data.
* Fix: Bug with "Expired license" notification
* Fix: Fixed some styles for Additional Menu
* Fix: Fixed some styles for Fullscreen Minimalistic menu type, when the "Organize fullscreen menu items into columns" toggle enabled.
* Fix: A non-breaking space is now inserted for menu items whose title is hidden with a dash "-"
* Add: New option "Show hamburger menu only" for Minimalistic menu type.
* Add: New feature "Organize fullscreen menu items into columns" when Minimalistic menu type "Fullscreen menu" is enabled.
* Fix: Fixed bug with the incorrect position of the menu, when the search and mini-basket icons are disabled.
* Fix: Drawer auto-closing now works by click on the anchor links in minimalistic style.
* Fix: The incorrect appearance of added custom code in preview mode.
* Add: Added a setting to enable the preloader "General settings > Enable preloader of the menu".
* Fix: Submenu caret size for second and lower levels
Created | 21-07-2020 |
Updated | 20-02-2022 |
Category | Interface Elements |
File size | 1.69 MB |
Comments | 0 |
Views | 3864 |
Sales | 0 |
Downloaded | 1 |