- New: Introduced quantity updater for order bump.
- Fix: Order bump was getting unchecked in certain conditions.
- Fix: Fixed the conflict with WooCommerce Conditional Shipping and Payments plugin.
- Fix: Fixed elementor deprecated action notices.
- Fix: Modified the order bump CSS to correct the word break in OB description.
- Fix: Shipping method was not getting updated in certain cases for MultiStep checkout layout.
- New: Added multistep checkout layout style.
- New: Added radio group field option in checkout custom field editor.
- New: Added Order custom field rule in dynamic offers.
- New: Added options to update the order status related strings on offer accepted/rejected popup.
- Improvement: Added new CSS customization options for CartFlows Gutenberg Blocks.
Improvement: The wrong price was getting displayed on the place order button if all products are removed from the checkout page.
- New: Added the WooCommerce Payments support for the upsell/downsell.
- Improvement: Revamped CartFlows Gutenberg blocks.
- Improvement: Added WooCommerce HPOS compatibility.
- Fix: Upsell failing for Square payment gateway.
- Fix: Order bump revenue was getting doubled on the home page analytics.
- Fix: Order bump was not getting displayed due to PHP version compatibility.
- Fix: Fixed PHP error while checking for plugin update.
- Fix: Skip offer option was not working when multiple upsell were added to the flow.
- New: Added skip offer option for offers.
- Improvement: New designing options introduced for order bump customizations.
- Fix: The order bump dynamic conditions were not working for the billing/shipping country.
- Fix: Mollie Bank Transfer payment gateway was not showing on the checkout page.
- Fix: PHP warning notices of order bumps positions.
- Fix: Upsell/downsell offer pages showing session expired error for Checkout Plugins Stripe for WooCommerce gateway.
- Fix: Order bump's after payment position was not working for the Mollie payment method.
- Fix: Miscellaneous setting of CartFlows was not getting saved.
- New: Added option to override Permalink for A/B test.
- Improvement: Improved Order Bump preview with dynamic values and product image.
- Improvement: Added dynamic order bump compatibility with the product options.
- Improvement: Archived A/B test variation will redirect to the control step or winner step.
- Fix: Pre-checkout offer styles migration failed for Beaver Builder page builder.
- Fix: Upsell/Downsell was getting failed for the mollie payment gateway.
- Fix: Order Bump width option not working for after customer details position.
- Fix: Duplicate emails were sent if the subscription product was purchased from upsell/downsell steps.
- Fix: Admins placed orders were added to the flow analytics calculations.
- New: Introduced JS variables for upsell/downsell to use in a custom script.
- New: Introduced offer accepted/rejected JS triggers to execute a custom script.
- Improvement: Improved condition to control the display of the subscription-related strings in product options.
- Improvement: Improved the error handling of license activation/deactivation.
- Fix: Upsell was getting skipped if multiple checkout pages were created in a flow.
- Fix: Upsell order was getting failed if checkout rules were enabled in some cases.
- Fix: Upsell/Downsell order was getting failed for live mode in some cases while using PayPal payments gateway.
- Fix: While changing the variation, its image was not getting displayed in the popup.
- Fix: Subscription product price was not displayed in the first subscription email of WooCommerce.
- Fix: Multi-currency plugin returning blank value while converting price for upsell/downsell.
- Fix: Showing wrong offer revenue stat on home page analytics.
- Fix: Converted price was not displaying for order bump while using `WooCommerce Multi-Currency` plugin.
- Fix: Shipping fields were not validating for a two-step checkout.
- Fix: Place Order button was getting displayed after an ajax call while using PayPal Payments.
- New: New filter `cartflows_checkout_trigger_update_order_review` introduced to refresh the checkout page after CartFlows ajax calls.
- Fix: Upsell order was failing for PayPal Payments gateway for payment request length restrictions from PayPal.
- Fix: Numeric comparison was not working for order bumps.
- Fix: Discount was getting removed if the variation is changed when using Popup design.
- Fix: Product Options width was not full-width in the mobile devices for the DIVI theme.
- Fix: Fixed deprecated function notices of Elementor.
- New: Added a pre-checkout offer preview in the checkout page setting.
- New: Added a new option in global settings for pre checkout offer to enable/disable globally.
- Improvement: Added Modern Checkout Compatibility.
- Improvement: Adding the CPSW fee details in CartFlows Upsell so it will be shown in WooCommerce order details.
- Improvement: Removed pre-checkout styling option from page builder module and added in checkout page backend settings.
- Improvement: The one-column checkout layout has been removed and added to the free version of CartFlows.
- Improvement: The floating label's style has been modified and named as modern labels. Now It will available in free version of CartFlows.
- Fix: Fatal error if the selected product in the order bump is not available on the website.
- Fix: The order bump checkbox gets unchecked after product option selection.
- Fix: The product category condition was not working for dynamic offers if the variation product has been selected.
- New: Introduced the Dynamic Order Bumps.
- New: Introduced "Dynamic Offers" aka "Rule Engine" for conditional redirects.
- New: Introduced Canvas 1.0 for a better overview of the flow.
- New: Added upsell/downsell support for Checkout Plugins Stripe for WooCommerce.
- Improvement: Updated the logic of custom checkout fields.
- Improvement: Fixed deprecated notices for Elementor.
- Fix: Optin fields were not displaying due to the console error.
- Fix: Affiliate commission was not getting recorded for the separate orders of upsell/downsell offers.
- New: Added custom compatibility of PayPal Payments Gateway.
- Improvement: Improved the multi-currency support for Upsell/Downsells.
- Improvement: Deleted variation steps will not display in the Flow analytics.
- Fix: Animate tab text option was not getting displayed.
- Fix: Vertical navigation in step and flow setting was not working for RTL and translation.
- Fix: Showing session expired error message on the upsell/downsell with Mollie iDeal gateway.
- Fix: The Variation popup was not displayed if the first product/variation was out of stock.
- Fix: Default variation was not getting displayed in the variation popup if set.
- Fix: Subscription period text was not getting translated in the product options section.
- Fix: Unable to change the text of title field in order bump style-3.
- Fix: Order bump migrate notice was displayed even if the WooCommerce was not installed.
- Fix: The order bump product was not removed from the checkout page if zero value product was added.
- Fix: The order bump conditional redirection option was not working if there was no Upsell in the flow.
- Fix: PHP-8.0 compatibility issue.
Created | 21-07-2020 |
Updated | 21-09-2024 |
Category | Plugin |
Theme Type | ORIGINAL |
File size | 0.81 MB |
Comments | 0 |
Views | 4001 |
Sales | 0 |
Downloaded | 1 |