* Fixed featured image not opening media library
* Added List Items
* Added support for basic input inside List Item fields
* Fixed multi step forms showing all steps
* Fixed basic upload file limits
* Added option to make tab fields appear as steps on frontend
* Added legacy elementor setting under plugin settings
* Added Custom Choices field type
* Fixed "No page reload" not reloading form
* Fixed success message always showing at top of current page instead of above the form
* Fixed recapthca validation API request
* Added option to remove admin bar node
* Fixed relationship field rtl css issue
* Fixed undefined 'fea' js error
* Fixed forms saving submissions even if set not to
* Fixed conflict with One Click Modal
* Fixed forms saving submissions even if set not to
* Fixed conflict with One Click Modal
Fixed recaptcha not working with instances on one page
* Changed email headers to array
* Added Mailchimp email, first name, and last name fields for use without user form
* Allowed custom fields to save to submission only
* Fixed mailchimp 'merge_fields' error
* Fixed shortcodes conflict with objects
* Fixed bcc emails sending as seperate emails
Placed "form type" select directly in form builder page
* Fixed delete button not redirecting properly
* Fixed success message not showing at top of page
* Added Mailchimp Status field to allow user to choose whether or not to sign up to mailing list
* Fixed post to edit not showing "new post" option if no posts are found in the query
* Fixed neccesary scripts not enqueued if admin is not logged in
* Removed deprecated "documents" folder
* Fixed admin css not loading in min file
* Fixed Save Custom Fields to option not saving to correctly in legacy Elemntor widgets
= 3.7.6 - 28-06-2022 =
* Fixed plugin icon svg issue
* Fixed modal button calling create form modal
= 3.7.5 - 27-06-2022 =
* Fixed dynamic value shortcodes
* Fixed delete button redirect broken
= 3.7.4 - 26-06-2022 =
* Added solution for cache plugin breaking acf js object
* Changed plugin name from ACF Frontend to Frontend Admin for ACF
* Added presets to form builder:
Delete Post Button
Post Status Button
Delete Product Button
Product Status Button
* Added Favicon field
* Changed plugin name from ACF Frontend to Frontend Admin for ACF
= 3.7.1 - 16-06-2022 =
* Added presets to form builder:
Delete Post Button
Post Status Button
Delete Product Button
Product Status Button
* Added Favicon field
= 3.7.0 - 15-06-2022 =
* Added option to choose Frontend Form in Elementor widgets
* Lite deprecated all Elementor widgets for new users except for Frontend Form (if you are already using these widgets, they will continue to function)
* Added assets for form builder
* Fixed issue with multi step product forms
* Tweeked multi step forms to allow fields before steps that will show always
* Fixed step tabs to only show when fields show
* Fixed issue with multiple "ACF Fields" instances in one form
Fixed issue with multi step product forms
* Added Frontend Submissions Gutenberg block
* Fixed Gutenberg block not loading form options
* Fixed dynamic options in url query option not being generated properly
* Added "Save Form Submissions" on form level
* Added Mailchimp integration
* Deprecated URL parameters setting in actions tab. Parameters can be placed directly in the url
* Fixed taxonomy field to show "add new" button under field instead of transparent icon
Added Mailchimp integration
Fixed ACF Fields in multi step showing
* Added "Post to Edit" field type to allow users to easily choose which post to edit with a dropdown
* Added "Product to Edit" field type to allow users to easily choose which product to edit with a dropdown
* Added option to change the "frontend-dashboard" slug
* Fixed url query post not loading field values
* Fixed User email field not updating when edited
* Fixed username editing logs user out
* Fixed hidden modal button
* Fixed default value not including shortcodes on submit
* Added ACF Frontend quick access to admin toolbar
* Fixed ACF Fields not saving in admin form builder
* Fixed "confirm password" field not hiding initially in multi step form
* Added submissions shortcode to forms: [acf_frontend submissions="{form id}"]
* Removed bulk add fields option in form builder
Fixed multi step error in Elementor widgets
* Fixed verification email being sent when not activated
* Fixed hidden field removing value in edit forms
* Fixed multi step issue with acf fields
* Removed unecessary wrapper around ACF Fields causing fields to show on one line
* Fixed woo product forms not saving
* Fixed status field appearing as checkbox instead of radio
* Added option to validate each step's fields
* Fixed missing "local avatar" dynamic fields in Elementor
* Added Option to disable submissions to dedicated database table
* Added Woocommerce Order actions: "New Order Form" and "Edit Order Form"
* Changed CSS classes to avoid conflicts:
"modal" -> "fea-modal"
"modal-inner" -> "fea-modal-inner"
"modal-content" -> "fea-modal-content"
* Fixed permissions message not showing for non logged in users
Fixed email verification creates duplicate entries
* Fixed user setting in permissions tab not loading users.
* Fixed taxonomy field loading as "related terms"
Fixed default values not loading
Fixed forms saving html entities instead of plain text
Fixed emails not sending when submitting multi step forms
* Fixed delete redirect url not working
* Added option to save specific fields to different data types
Fixed issue with product images field
* Fixed image field's browser upload
* Fixed color picker and time picker breaking in multi step
* Added filter to prevent submissions from saving
Fixed file and image based fields breaking when button text changed
Updated Freemius SDK
* Fixed product author field
* Fixed dynamic permissions option in edit button widget
* Fixed ACF fields not showing up within a group field
* Fixed JS not working after first step in multi step
* Fixed required mark not showing up after first step
* Fixed column field
* Fixed shipping attributes error
* Added user role options to admin form builder
* Added validation to user role field
Fixed delete button icons not showing
* Fixed delete button icons not showing
* Fixed default colors for the delete button
* Fixed woocommerce shiping fields not showing up and not saving correctly
Fixed multi step validation error
Fixed conflict with multi step form and repeater fields
Fixed bug in woo delete product button
* Added submit button styling options in Oxygen integration
* Fixed missing fields in multi step form
* Fixed Elementor styles for delete button
* Fixed styles for labels applying to checkbox labels as well
* Fixed price field not displaying
* Fixed url query editing current page if no object id passed in form
* Added post status and product status as default fields in form builder
* Fixed error when navigating between steps on multi step form
* Fixed delete button not redirecting after deleting data
* Fixed issue when bulk deleting of submissions
* Fixed form tabs display
* Fixed email verification sending after each step of multi step form
* Fixed form title missing
* Fixed error with missing function in ACF Fields field
* Fixed hidden submit button issue
* Improved delete data widgets confirmation message
* Added Delete Product Widget
Fixed missing 'user_regitered' column
* Fixed error with user password not saving
* Optimized process of saving user data in the database
* Added settings for Attributes, Variations, Download Files fields to form builder
* Fixed forms showing on post edit page
* Fixed new user form not saving data properly, including username and password
* Fixed form builder presets not working
* Fixed conflict with Oxygen
* Fixed issue with Woocmmerce fields: attributes and variations
* Fixed conditional logic of Woocommerce fields
* Fixed user password not being saved on registration
* Fixed acf field custom classes not showing in elementor widgets
* Fixed css rule messing with repeater table display
Fixed password field updating password even when button is not pressed
Fixed false Trojan error in acff-min.js
* Fixed submit button field not rendering
* Fixed display name field index error
* Fixed confirm password field showing in submission approvals
* Added missing user password options in form builder
* Fixed post author being set to admin upon submission approval
* Fixed password not being saved upon aubmission approval. Password field does not appear in the submission form.
* Fixed fields being created from scratch instead of updated on page load in Elementor
* Fixed ACF field styles bug in Elementor
Fixed bug causing all "add new" buttons to open form popup
* Added modal window to form builder
* Fixed hidden field option in Elementor
* Fixed Specific Post option
Added post status and product status fields
* Changed payments addon installation form to post with page reload
* Added styling options to the ACF Frontend Oxygen element
* Added display mode option to all field types. Option are Edit, Read Only, or Hidden
* Added duplicate post and duplicate product options to form builder
* Removed "addons" page in wp admin
Added ACF fields option to frontend form builder
All ACFF field now use the field type as the field name
* Fixed styles for specific fields
* Fixed duplicate post form not reloading
Fixed taxonomy terms not loading selected terms
Added bulk add fields option to form builder
Fixed referer redirect in delete button
Fixed forms not limiting submissions
* Fixed delete button issue
* Fixed issue with cross sell fields not showing
* Fixed SKU field not changing label
* Fixed issue with woocommerce integration
* Divided product fields into categories
* Fixed steps not changing on tabs
* Fixed username edit not working
* Fixed edit passwords validaing even when edit button isn't clicked
* Fixed term forms not saving data
* Fixed post author field not saving entry
* Added webhooks action to forms
* Fixed ACF Frontend admin options not saving
* Fixed multi step form cookies issue
* Fixed images not saving properly
* Fixed submissions not showing submitted images
Added ajax no page reload option to form builder
* Fixed "no success message" option not working when using ajax
* Fixed post status option disappearing when "Draft" is selected
* Added option "Allow Unfiltered HTML" to allow users to insert HTML from the front end (not recommended)
* Fixed duplicate product form not copying taxonomy terms
* Added better support for WP multi-site
* Fixed issue with product price
* Fixed recaptcha field
* Fixed acf_frontend/save_post hook
* Fixed default value issue with elementor dynamic tags
* Added cookie supprt to multi step forms so that data doesn;t get lost on page reload.
* Uploaded images get added to media library only after the form is submitted
* Fixed ACF Forntend admin settings not updating correctly
* Added default permissions by role value for ACF Frontend form
* Fixed image field not attaching on edit post form
* Fixed issue with permissions "by role" selection
* Fixed taxonomy field loading page terms instead of post terms
* Fixed terms not loading properly
* Fixed form validation error
* Fixed product title not saving
* Fixed basic uploader not uploading images or files without media library
* Added action hooks for after each data type is saved upon form submit
* Fixed duplicate default fields on duplicate post form widget
* Fixed issue with product variations
* Fixed issue with form validation